Saturday, May 16, 2020

Early Childhood Education Observation - 1946 Words

While walking through the front gates of County elementary school, you see children of all ages playing while they wait for the school bell to ring. Walking to the classroom that I will be observing you see students with their parent’s line up waiting to get signed in. The students are to be signed in by a parent or guardian for safety precautions, and shows that the child was signed into school. As a visitor, I am to sign myself in, this shows I was in the classroom, at what time was I there, and reason for visiting the classroom. Introducing myself to Mrs. Smith the classroom teacher, and Mrs. Brown the teaching assistant; I explained that I will be observing the classroom. Mrs. Smith informed me that the name of the program†¦show more content†¦The reading/listening area located into the corner has different types of books, a little theater puppet stand setup for the children to interactive and play out a scene from a book, and there is also a radio with headphone s for the children to listen to books being read to them by CD or cassette. Next to that is the math area had many different materials the child is able to learn from such as chain links, counting blocks, numbers with rods, geo boards, patterning beads, and there are also board games and matching games that help learn math. Next to the math area is the manipulative area that contains different puzzles, instruments, shoe lacing cards, and many other life lessons to learn. Next is the computer station, there are two computers that the children will use. There are a few programs that are used during computer time,, bailey’s book house, dragon tails, and Dora the explorer. The programs are easy to use, and talk back to the students instructing them where and what to press. The programs teach different curriculums such as math, science, English, Spanish, and colors. The block area which holds different shapes, animals, linking toys, foam blocks, and color names. Writi ng table has different cups of colors with markers, or crayons, and color pencils. There are blank pieces of paper and coloring booking for them to use also. The science area withShow MoreRelatedDevelopmentally Appropriate Practices ( Dap )960 Words   |  4 PagesDevelopmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) is a method of teaching that is based on the research about how young children grow and learn and includes standards for high quality care and education for young children. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) established these guidelines more than 20 years ago. 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